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Groupes, éducateurs, agences touristiques
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Contactez-nous 514-277-6990
More than twenty years traveling across the globe as a professional guide are not enough to extinguish my enthusiasm to enjoy the diversity of this world. This same desire for discovery and exoticism which led me to explore areas of Montreal.
From the firm Kaleidoscope, that I founded in 1996, I want to share with you the result of observations, studies and meetings through tours and lectures offered throughout the year.
Passionate people, professional guides accredited by the City of Montreal and specialists in various domains going of art to religions, belong close properly to the team in the course of the years. They were chosen with care and all have an attachment and the wish to share with you cultural and patrimonial treasures of Montreal.
The purpose of activities aims at ameliorating the knowledge of the world which encircles us. We still continuing going through quarters, making meetings and exploring other aspects of this nice city with the constant wish to make you of other exciting discoveries live. I invite you therefore to take the time to look at our offer of service and of activities. Do not hesitate to contact us for in more knowledge on us. It will please us to help you in your next project of visit at our place.
Ivan Drouin
Founder president